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Public funded projects

Open Call: BANDO MEDITECH N. 2/2021 - PROGETTO DI INNOVAZIONE, RICERCA INDUSTRIALE E SPERIMENTALE D.D. 29/01/2018 E D.D. 23/2019 - Decreto di concessione Prot. n. 168/2022 del 25/11/2022 - CUP I63D22000510005 - PROGETTO ID 6650

Ente finanziatore: Consorzio MedITech

Titolo del progetto: Nuovi peptidi biostimolanti e bioprotettivi per una agricoltura sostenibile - AGROBIOPEP

Descrizione: Il progetto Agrobiopep: nuovi biostomolanti e bioprotettivi per una agricoltura sostenibile e che garantisce la biodiversità.

La tecnologia si applica nell’ambito dell’agricoltura sostenibile e riguarda la progettazione, lo sviluppo e l’impiego di innovativi peptidi biostimolanti e bioprotettivi derivanti da Prosistemina, da utilizzare in agricoltura sostenibile. I biostimolanti sono sostanze che vengono impiegate per il miglioramento delle performance agronomiche (qualità del prodotto) della pianta e per far fronte agli stress ambientali a cui essa è sottoposta (per es. elevata salinità).

Obiettivo: L’obiettivo del progetto è lo sviluppo di nuovi biostimolanti peptidici derivanti da Prosistemina che possono contribuire alla realizzazione di un modello di agricoltura sostenibile, aumentando le rese e la qualità dei prodotti, preservando nello stesso tempo le risorse e riducendo l’impatto sull’ambiente.

Finanziamento: È stato riconosciuto un costo per le attività di progetto pari a Euro 114.800,00. Il Consorzio Meditech concede il seguente contributo a fondo perduto pari a Euro 56.560,00

Open Call: Regione Campania - POR FESR CAMPANIA 2014/2020 - Asse I e II - Obiettivo Specifico 1.1-1.2-1.3-1.5 - Avviso per la selezione della Piattaforma tecnologica di filiera “Mobilità Sostenibile e Sicura” - Progetto “Sviluppo di soluzioni ecosostenibili a beneficio del confort del guidatore – LEONARDO” (CUP B32C18000340007 - SURF 18121BP000000015)

Funding Body: Campania Region

Project title: Sviluppo di soluzioni ecosostenibili a beneficio del confort del guidatore – LEONARDO

Objective: La finalità perseguita da Materias nell’ambito del progetto è lo sviluppo di componenti per gli interni automobilistici ad alto assorbimento vibro-acustico (NVH) e resistenza al fuoco (FR) attraverso l’implementazione di nuove soluzioni tecnologiche.  Nell’ambito di questo progetto, Materias esplora la possibilità di generare materiali polimerici espansi a gradiente utilizzando la tecnologia di schiumatura a gas in modo innovativo, introducendo una condizione al contorno variabile nel tempo della fase di assorbimento dell’agente espandente. Le caratteristiche dei materiali porosi a gradiente risultano superiori alle controparti uniformi sia in termini di struttura che di proprietà funzionali. Progettando la fase di assorbimento ex ante, è quindi possibile ottenere diversi profili di concentrazione di gas e, di conseguenza, al rilascio della pressione, schiume con diversi profili di densità e/o morfologia.

Funding: È stato riconosciuto un costo per le attività di progetto pari a Euro 275.850,11 di cui Euro 231.573,12 a fondo perduto.

- TEST S.c.a r.l.

Open Call: POR CAMPANIA FESR 2014- 2020 - Asse Prioritario 3 - Competitività del sistema produttivo Obiettivo Specifico 3.1 Rilancio della propensione agli investimenti del sistema produttivo Azione 3.1.1 Aiuti per gli investimenti in macchinari, impianti e beni intangibili e accompagnamento dei processi di riorganizzazione e ristrutturazione. Avviso pubblico per il sostegno alle MPMI campane per l’immissione sul mercato, la messa a disposizione sul mercato o la messa in servizio dei dispositivi medici per uso umano e degli accessori per tali dispositivi (art. 1 Regolamento (UE) 2017/745 - Medical Devices Regulation - MDR) CUP B68I22004280007- COD. SURF 22034BP000000025

Funding Body: Campania Region

Project title: PROGETTO Gelfast Dispositivi medici: Gelfast - TextActDerm - AMP+

Objective: L’obiettivo del progetto è la stesura di fascicoli tecnici secondo il regolamento (UE) 2017/745 per tre medical devices (MD): Gelfast, TextActDerm e AMP+. La valutazione della biocompatibilità, dell'efficacia e della sicurezza dei prodotti è stata condotta in laboratori accreditati. I test includono analisi di citotossicità, irritazione cutanea, sensibilizzazione, adsorbimento, stabilità del prodotto e caratterizzazione fisica, chimica e microbiologica. I dati raccolti costituiscono la documentazione preliminare necessaria per la preparazione dei fascicoli tecnici contenente le caratteristiche dei tre MD, dei risultati dei test di laboratorio e di altre informazioni richieste per la conformità normativa.

Funding: È stato riconosciuto un costo per le attività di progetto pari a euro 311.100,00 finanziati con un contributo a fondo perduto pari ad euro 155.550,00

Open Call: Public notice for the support to the Campania SMEs in the implementation of technology transfer and industrialization projects - Action 3.1.1 "Aid for investments in machinery, plants and intangible assets and accompaniment of corporate reorganization and restructuring processes"

Funding Body: Campania Region

Project title: Innovation management services for the development of new business ideas in the advanced materials sector - SIM_MAT

Objective: The aim of the project is to develop advanced innovation management services, through the use of digital tools.

Funding: A cost of € 603,904 for project activities has been granted, financed with a grant of 80% for research activities (RI) and 60% for development activities (SS).


Funding Body: INVITALIA - National Agency for Inward Investment and Economic Development - Ministry of Economy.

Project title: Materias operating model

Objective: The business plan presented by Materias foresees the creation of innovative services to allow industrial companies to acquire cutting-edge technologies in the field of advanced materials in the following industrial sectors: LifeScience; Agrifood; Healthcare; Civil Engineering.

Funding: The project activities have been funded with 1,089,000, of which 80% in the form of a financial contribution and Euro 153,000 as a grant.

Open Call: POR FESR CAMPANIA 2014/2020- O.S. 1.1-1.4 - Public notice for the creation and consolidation of innovative start-ups: "Campania Start-up"

Funding Body: Campania Region

Project title: MINETRA-Microneedle devices for transdermal administration of molecules

Objective: The objective of the project concerns the development of a process to produce microneedles for the controlled administration of drugs, compatible with the active ingredients with which the microneedles themselves must be loaded. The materials intended to be used are biocompatible and biodegradable, pure or in appropriate mixtures, to avoid the release of toxic products for the health of the people who will use these devices. The process to be developed will allow the low-cost industrial production of patches with microneedles based on polymers or hybrid polymeric blends thanks to “Very Large-Scale Integration” methods.

Funding: The project activities have been funded with Euro 426,609.60 of which 65% in the form of a grant (Euro 277,296.24).

Open call: POR CAMPANIA FESR 2014/2020 - Expression of interest for the creation of technology platforms in the fight against oncological pathologies

Funding Body: Campania Region

Project title: RARE.PLAT.NET - Diagnostic and therapeutic innovations for neuroendocrine, endocrine, and glioblastoma tumors through an integrated technological platform of clinical, genomic, ICT, pharmacological and pharmaceutical skills

Objective: The objective of the project, as regards the role of Materias, is the design and production of biodegradable NPs coated with HA for the intracellular targeting of chemotherapeutic agents. In particular, a new strategy is proposed for the self-assembly of HA on NPs based on poly (lactic-co-glycolic) acid (PLGA) and containing chemotherapeutic drugs.

Funding: € 450,000 has been granted for the project activities, of which € 315,000 was non-repayable.

Partners: Neatec s.p.a., CA.Re.BioS "Campus Regi Biologia" s.r.l., Laboratorio Cesare Pandolfi & c Sas, S.D.N. S.p.A., Softlab S.p.A., Sync Lab S.r.l., Technova S.C.A.R.L., eHealthNet s.c.a.r.l., Genomix4Life S.r.l., Institute for Endocrinology and Experimental Oncology (IEOS) of the National Research Council (CNR), University of Salerno, San Raffaele Telematic University , University of Naples Federico II, Institute of Computing and High Performance Networks (ICAR) of the National Research Council (CNR).

Open call: POR FESR CAMPANIA 2014/2020 - O.S. 1.1 - Public notice for support to businesses in carrying out feasibility studies (Phase 1) and technology transfer projects (Phase 2) consistent with RIS 3

Funding Body: Campania Region

Project title: PERSIA - Innovative packaging based on antimicrobial peptides for food safety

Objective: The objective of the project is the design of specific peptide sequences, potentially usable to increase microbiological safety in the context of food preservation. This process will take place through the functionalization of materials suitable for food packaging, through techniques of immobilization of peptide sequences, to promote a prolonged shelf life and an improvement of the microbiological safety and properties of the packaging as well as to preserve the organoleptic and nutritional values ​​of the food. In particular, the knowledge of bacterial adhesion mechanisms to surfaces and biofilm formation will allow the design and implementation of effective and easily transferable solutions to production plants.

Funding: The project has been funded with 1,079,000, in particular Materias has been granted for the activities with 215,700, of which Euro 150,000 non-repayable.

Partners: Materias is the leader of the consortium formed by ICIMEN2 S.p.a., SELEPACK s.r.l., 4. National Research Council (CNR), Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources - (IBBR) and Institute of Microelectronics and Microsystems (IMM), University of Naples, Department of Veterinary and Food Production.

Open call: POR FESR CAMPANIA 2014/2020 AXIS III - SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 3.4 - ACTION 3.4.2 - Public notice for the granting of contributions to micro and PMI aimed at their internationalization programs

Funding Body: Campania Region

Project title: Peptidi antimicrobici

Description: Materias Srl carries out its activity of enhancement of innovative technologies in the advanced materials sector making use of the know-how and technical-scientific and managerial skills of its founders and its Key Persons in the field of academic networking in the private and public research system. Among the research lines that have been exploited, one of the most interesting is that relating to antibacterial peptides. In fact, starting from bovine cathelicidins, a specific peptide sequence has been designed and patented, very stable in wide ranges of pH and temperatures, which has a strong antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity. The action of peptides, both in solution and covalently linked to supports, was verified with bactericidal activity analysis and inhibition of biofilm formation test against Gram– and Gram + bacteria. The results obtained support the production of "ad hoc" functionalized materials for applications in various industrial sectors with reference to medical devices with antibacterial properties, antimicrobial packaging to improve the shelf life and conservation of food and spray solutions for the sanitization of industrial equipment in the agri-food sector.

Objectives: The project is focused on identifying potential investors (corporate or financial) interested in the technology related to antimicrobial peptides to increase food safety, in countries such as Canada and the United States, which are very sensitive to the issue of food preservation and safety of the consumer. Opening up to foreign markets and internationalization is one of the key elements of Materias Srl's business activity.

Results: The Materias Srl Internationalization Program provided for:

  • realization of a Marketing Plan for internationalization;
  • identification of potential North American partners;
  • the expansion of the presence of Materias Srl on new foreign markets;
  • use of a temporary office of Materias Srl in Canada;
  • bilateral meetings with foreign operators;
  • realization of an Italy-Québec webinar on the scientific evolutions and industrial applications of the antimicrobial peptide.

Funding: For the project activities € 100,767 has been granted for the project activities, of which 70% in the form of a grant (€ 70,536.9).

Open call: Puglia Region - POR FESR ESF 2014-2020 - Axis I and III - Actions 1.5 and 3.8 - TECNONIDI

Funding Body: Puglia Sviluppo

Project title: Materias

Objective: The Program has three objectives:
i) carry out scouting of science-based technologies with a high level of innovation present in the Puglia Region;
ii) design and implement an innovative ICT platform in which to converge the database of technologies identified and analyzed by Materias;
iii) launch an acceleration program for at least 1 initiative in human health and environmental sector.

Financing: a cost of € 125,000 has been granted for project activities (of which € 100,000 for operating costs, € 22,000 for intangible assets and € 3,000 for equipment). Puglia Sviluppo grants the following non-repayable grant of Euro 110,000, of which Euro 10,000 for investment costs and Euro 80,000 for management costs.

Open call: POR FESR CAMPANIA 2014 / 2020- O.S. 1.1-1.4 - Public notice for the creation and consolidation of innovative start-ups: "Campania Start up 2020"

Funding Body: Campania Region

Project title: AdVantGuard – Advanced Guard

Objective: The objective of the project concerns the introduction of new impact protection devices in sports, such as helmets and bumpers (shin guards and shoulder pads), obtained through the gradient foaming technology patented by Materias.

Funding: For the project activities a sum of € 239,605.05 has been granted for the project activities, of which 70% in the form of a grant (€ 167,723.54).


Funding Body: INVITALIA - National Agency for Inward Investment and Economic Development - Ministry of Economy.


Objective: The objective of the project is the enhancement of intellectual property relating to the gelling powder technology for wound healing.

Funding: € 67,200 has been granted for the project activities, financed with the non-repayable fund (100%).


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